Summer James

Name: Summer Gabriella James

Birthday: September 1st

Age: 24

Ethnicity: African American and Italian

Occupation: Owner of Ry's Self Care

Where she's from: Born in Italy, moved to Philly when she was 3

Where she lives: Beverly Hills, CA

Relationship Status: Married to actor Chase James

Children: Twins - Noah Anthony & Leah Alexandra

Nicknames: Sumshine (by her Parents)

Piercings: 3 on each ear, nose piercing, and a belly ring

Tattoos: 5 

Personality: Sweet, caring, a cry baby, very spoiled and she holds major grudges

Favorite Food: Mozzarella sticks

Favorite Dessert: Strawberry ice cream cake

Favorite Colors: PURPLE

Hobbies: Yoga, doing hair tip videos on youtube, reading, meditation, binge watching her favorite shows

Favorite Time of Day: Evening. When the sun is setting and its getting a little cooler out

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